Small Business Web Site Services
Services Provided:
Site Hosting
Domain Registration
Site Design
Site Management
Order Services

Client Web Sites
Client Support
Our Privacy Policy
Terms/Use Policies

Shopping Carts
& e-commerce
Low Cost Solutions

Web Site Design

Our standard labor rate is $30.00 per hour and we offer a full range of authoring and design services.

The overall cost of Web site design and implementation is directly related to the amount of Web site content that is already in computer data format. Therefore, the more text content that is provided in word processing format, the less labor required to convert to Internet HTML format. In addition, pictures or images are often the most labor intensive requiring scanning, conversion, and formatting. More images usually result in higher labor charges. Digital images of good quality will usually circumvent digital scanning but often require additional conversion and formatting.

We encourage client participation in the above regard. Cooperative efforts often significantly reduce start up costs.

If you be interested in an estimate, we always request that you send your business information. This includes brochures, catalogs, letterhead, business card, price lists, and other materials.

If you are interested in online sales, information regarding the software that you use for price lists and sales is very helpful. Building a bridge between this data and Internet format is the key component to low startup costs and, more importantly, low maintenance costs.

Please contact us if you have questions or would like to discuss your business needs..

© 2004 Tremaine Parsons
Site by Sierra Software Services


